
PRO of the Month: JOE WILLIS

March brings about a new Feature: Pro of the Month.  This month we highlight Nashville SC Goalkeeper Joe Willis.

On November 19, 2019, Joe was traded to MLS expansion side Nashville SC from Houston Dynamo where he played for 4 seasons.   He made his debut for Nashville on February 29 in Nashville's first ever MLS game. 

Joe lead the MLS with Clean sheets in 2020.  He was named  MLS Team of the week 2 times in 2020. His first season with West Coast GK. 

As common for many Pro's Joe tested many different gloves - starting with the EXO-Skin Series, then moving to the Quantum Melia and Millers before moving to the Quantum EXO Lockdown.  

Going from a BioHybrid Palm, to a Roll Finger Palm to an eventual Negative Palm- Joe was able to try all different variants and decide the precise fit of the Quantum EXO Lockdown was the glove that he liked the best.  Playing on a very wet grass field (a football field while Nashville completed their stadium) wanting to have great control was a deciding factor for Joe. 

The White Supreme + Latex of the Lockdown was able to provide the water absorbing needed early in the game while provided the tackiness later in the matches to control the Adidas Match Ball, which is a fairly slippery ball.  

Joe lead Nashville SC to the playoffs in their first season, taking them to the conference semi-finals with wins over Inter Miami and Toronto with Clean Sheets in both play off wins!

  • HEIGHT: 6'5"
  • YEARS PRO: 11
  • COLLEGE: University of Denver
  • Glove of Choice: QUANTUM EXO LOCKDOWN

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